Safe and Distanced Entertainment
Virtual Bubble Performances
We are now offering our bubble performances online, via Zoom or Google Meetup. These can be a brief 10 min. distraction in a meeting to a full blown 40 min. show.
Drive Thru Bubble Entertainment
We are available for safe and distanced outdoor “drive thru” events. This is the perfect medium for this type of event. The bubbles play big and to a large area. Perfect for cars waiting in line at an event.
Window Entertainment
Perfect for Retirement Homes, Rehab Centers and Children’s Hospitals. Our Entertainer(s) go from window to window performing bubbles for each room. Residents remain safely behind glass.
Mobile Bubble Block Party
Neighborhood Associations and “Drive By Birthdays” will love this service. We cruise your neighborhood as the residents enjoy the bubbles safely from their yards and driveways.
SmileCloud Messages
SmileClouds are a great way to send a message of Love, Peace, or Happiness.
Virtual Birthday Parties
Conducted via Zoom, or Google Meetup. There are multiple levels of parties. All involve an online show of cool bubble tricks, some “DIY” activities, and a magical Birthday Cake that appears from a Soap Bubble.
Virtual Math & Science Enrichment
We offer virtual Math and Science Enrichment using Soap Bubbles for home schoolers and summer camps.
One-on-One Bubble Lessons
Offering virtual coaching lessons in the art of Bubbleology, as well as the business side of show business.
Personal “Bubble” messages delivered to a loved one at home, or in a retirement home. Also, Personalized Digital Bubble Greeting Card for about the same cost as a greeting card, are available.